We’ve been with H.I.H.I.T. since the beginning and we’ve been very pleased. It’s been very good. It’s been excellent. We’ve had a couple of issues from time to time with our provider. H.I.H.I.T. has gone to bat for us, and as an industry has addressed some of those concerns or questions that might be individual, but they also would affect others as well.
Mirabeau Park Hotel
I see it as an absolute benefit for our members. From the restaurant and lodging perspectives, we’re meeting the needs of our employees, which is a lot different than employees of a law firm or employees of a manufacturer, and the ability to only have to match 50%, for our industry, is a really unique benefit that no one else has. Just one of the examples that this matches the restaurant industry.
President & CEO, Washington Hospitality Association
155 108th Ave NE Ste 800 Bellevue, WA 98004-5901
Toll Free: 866-897-0488
Fax: 866-423-0176
E-mail: hihit@tbsmga.com
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